Writing Romance Novels: Online Course
In your head, he's the ultimate heartthrob. On the page, he's merely ho-hum...
How to Write a 5-Star Hero for Your Romance Novel

Master the art of writing Hot-Blooded Alphas & Heart-Stealing Betas: The bestselling heroes in Romance novels!
There are heroes in Romance novels... and then there are Masterfully Written Heroes, who
A bazillion characterization courses are offered on the Internet. So why should you invest in this one?
Good question.
I could point to the obvious reason: You wouldn't be reading this page if your Romance novels were selling (or earning great reviews.) But I prefer to take a fresh approach —like my course does.
Don't Waste Your Time
Every other writing teacher in the world will urge you to waste your precious writing time, inventing reams of made-up history — called backstory — for your characters.
My advice? Don't spend more than 60 minutes on the exercise. The vast majority of your characters' childhood traumas and failed love affairs will NEVER APPEAR IN YOUR NOVEL. (By the way, if that pre-book drama does appear, any editor, who's worth her paycheck, will chop whopping sections of it out.)
Inventing backstory is only marginally helpful to your success. If you REALLY want to develop sexy, lovable characters for a Romance novel, you should be concentrating on PSYCHOLOGY.
Most Women Don't Know How to Write Men
As a fiction coach, I've read hundreds of unpublished Romance manuscripts. That's why I can say — with authority — that most women don't know how to write men. (But don't take offense. Most men don't know how to write women.)
Envisioning a witty, urbane hero is easy. Conveying your perfect vision to a reader — solely with words — requires mad skills.
So let's forget your hero's libido for a moment. (We'll cover sexual tension in another course.)
The Juicy Stuff Won't Matter Unless...
To sell books, you must master characterization BEFORE you write the juicy stuff. If you can't write a hot-blooded Alpha, who reads like a man BEYOND the bedroom...
Or a flirty Beta male, who would never be mistaken for a girl if you changed his name to Sue...
Then your dreams of writing Romance, for a career, will go poof into smoke.
Write Romance Heroes that SELL BOOKS
To earn money in this business, you must make readers fall in love with your hero. That's no simple challenge. Men have been mystifying women for centuries. So how can a female writer create that all-important male protagonist, if she doesn't understand how men think? How they communicate? Or what motivates their behaviors?
Frankly, she can't. That's why this course goes well beyond the nuts and bolts of the "usual" character training (like how to pick your hero's hair color and decide on his profession.)
In this course, I'll teach you the skills that rocketed my books to #1 on Amazon and earned me 6 characterization awards...
The same skills that made publishers APPROACH ME, and ask me to turn my sidekicks into heroes for spin-off novels, which eventually became top-ranking trilogies!
Best of all, I'll teach you how to write ALL KINDS of fictional folks: heroes, heroines, sidekicks, and villains.
Give ANY Character the Power to Steal Hearts
Ultimately, you'll learn how to develop any character (even non-verbal ones, like babies and pets) because every character has the power to steal hearts and win a mob of loyal fans for you.
So if your goal is to write Romance novels that readers WANT to buy, congratulations! You've found the perfect course on characterization...
How to Write Heroes Who Sound Like Real Men
Make Readers Drool for your Hot-Blooded Alphas and Heart-Stealing Betas
To help you write powerful Heroes and admirable Heroines, we've developed this online, novel-writing course. The lessons include on-demand videos, writing challenges, and insider tips from bestselling Romance authors.
Master crucial characterization skills that can sell more books and earn better reviews!
Special offer! Enroll now and get a 25% discount!
View a sample from the video course
How to Write Heroes who Sound Like Real Men
Here’s What Happens When You Sign Up
When you click the "Enroll" button, you will be re-directed to our Course Website, where you will begin the registration process. Upon the successful completion of your Paypal payment, you will receive full and immediate access to the course.
What's in it for me?
The secrets of the universe! (LOL!) But seriously, if you've ever wondered why men are so exasperating (and let's face it, what woman hasn't?) you're about to learn the answer. More importantly, you're going to turn that insider knowledge into hot-blooded heroes (who make readers drool) and admirable heroines (who make readers cheer!)
Awesome! What else can I expect?
Step-by-step instruction, that helps you dig deep into a character's persona. If you want to convert readers into loyal fans, you have to make your characters complex, interesting, and memorable. That's why we challenge you to certain skills-stretching exercises — the same exercises that helped your bestselling instructor earn 6 characterization awards!
Sounds good. Anything else?
Of course! You didn't think we were just going to show you how to write heroes and heroines, did you? (You're so adorable.) By the time you finish this course, you'll know how to write villains that readers love to hate, and sidekicks that are worthy of their own spin-off novels!
Not bad. But I want more...
You got it. How about fabulous study tools, a guided workshop on character analysis, and a beautiful Certificate of Achievement that you'll be proud to display?
Here’s what people are saying about your Instructor
and her Romance-writing courses:
Recommended by Publishers
Adrienne is excellent at teaching the commercial aspects of writing. I had an author come to us with a novel that was not commercially viable. I sent her to Adrienne. This author came back with a phenomenal re-write. The book was just recently released and is pulling excellent reviews, averaging 4.6 stars at Amazon.
Brian W. Paules, Publisher
ePublishing Works
Recommended by Bestsellers
I asked Adrienne to critique my first short romance. Her insights, suggestions and techniques made my story much richer. I’m now applying everything I learned from Adrienne to my (bestselling) novels. I really appreciate her advice and encouragement, and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone who would like to improve their writing.
Jenn Roseton, #1 Bestselling Author of 32 Romance Novels (and counting!)
Recommended by Educators
Adrienne helped me focus on the technical aspects as a beginning writer without becoming overwhelmed.
Tambra Nicole Kendall
Creative Writing Teacher and
Multi-published Romance Author
Recommended by Students
As a writing coach, Ms. deWolfe is positive and encouraging and generous with her knowledge. Highly recommended!
P. Colby, Aspiring Romance Author
5-Star Google Review
Here's what you'll learn in the Real Men Course:
Lesson 1: The Masculine Mystique
Lesson 1 is a crash course on the psychological differences between men and women:
- You'll learn how social conditioning has impacted the way men choose to emote, how they think of women, and how they relate to other men.
- You'll dive deep into the psyches of Alpha and Beta characters (for instance, what each secretly fears, and what each secretly considers its superpower)
- You'll translate this knowledge into "realistic" personas for heroes and heroines (with a little help from iconic movie characters)
- Course Extra: You'll learn how to develop revelatory questions to expose a character's deepest secrets, fears, and desires in the planning phase of your novel
- Course Extra: You'll learn best practices for naming major and secondary characters
- Course Extra: You'll learn how to create an organizer for your work-in-progress
- In addition, Lesson 1 includes 3 writing challenges. They are designed to help you transition a character from an "Alpha moment" to a "Beta moment," and vice versa.
- To complete Lesson 1, a 15-question quiz will help you review key concepts.
Lesson 2: The Mystery of Male Communication
If you've ever wondered why your man doesn't understand you (and vice versa) then you'll love this lesson. More to the point, you'll learn how to:
- Develop speech patterns for commanding Alphas and charming Betas
- Craft "realistic" conversations between characters of any gender
- Write thoughts (internal dialogue) that "sound" distinctly male or female
- Choose the appropriate body language to convey Alpha or Beta emotion
- Course Extra: Why Characters Shouldn't Talk Like Real People
- Course Extra: When Your Hero Must Swear: Guidelines for Explicit Language in a Romance Novel
- Lesson 2 also includes 4 writing exercises so you can practice the skills that you've developed in this course.
- To complete Lesson 2, a 15-question quiz will help you review key concepts.
Lesson 3: The Building Blocks of Characterization
This lesson will be crucial to your success! You're going to combine everything you know about communication patterns and gender psychology to develop well-rounded heroes and heroines. Specifically, you will:
- Learn the 3 (non-negotiable) building blocks of characterization
- Apply those building blocks to make "anyone" (even minor, non-verbal characters) come alive in every scene
- Steadily and consistently grow your hero and heroine into complex, interesting, and memorable characters
- Workshop: Understand the relationship between plot and character via our guided, step-by-step, scene analysis
- Course Extra: Where to Source Sidekicks (plus tips for making your sidekick worthy of a spin-off novel!)
- Course Extra: How to Write Villains that Romance Readers Love to Hate
- Lesson 3 includes 3 practice exercises and a 15-question quiz so you can review key concepts.
- Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to download a Certificate of Achievement.
Skills Challenge
The best way to develop a skill is to tackle it head-on. First, we challenge you to identify the building blocks of characterization in scenes from 2 different Romance manuscripts. Since neither exercise is a cakewalk, we've provided detailed answer sheets to show you, step-by-step, where the authors dropped the ball. Next, we take off the training wheels! You'll be challenged to write a scene from scratch, using your own hero or heroine, to test your ability to write complex, interesting, and memorable characters!
Advanced Study
We've included 3 annotated scenes from bestselling Romances for the purpose of advanced study. Each scene features a different character-building technique, including the ever-popular clash of a spunky Beta Female with a growly Alpha Male. In addition, you will see how a tarnished male sidekick can be evolved into the heart-stealing hero of a spin-off novel.
Discounts for WIP Coaching
Now that you've learned how to write complex, interesting, and memorable characters, it's time to evolve your skills! Give every character in your Romance enough "reader-appeal" to sell your book. Graduates of this course are eligible for discounted coaching services on their WIP from our bestselling, award-winning instructor.
Meet your Instructor,
Adrienne deWolfe
Texas resident, Adrienne deWolfe, has written six #1 bestselling Romance novels for Bantam, Avon, and ePublishing Works. A former newspaper journalist and professional publicist, she has earned more than 40 awards for writing excellence, including such fiction distinctions as the Best Historical Romance of the Year, and the Avon Readers' Choice Award. Her novels have also been finalists for 2 RITAs and 2 Reviewers Choice Awards.
Adrienne was asked by the students of a local college to develop a Romance novel curriculum, one that offered practical advice for writing and selling commercial fiction. Since that time, she has been teaching novel-writing courses to standing-room-only crowds, and she has lead workshops at four national conventions.
Adrienne's online Romance-writing courses continue her offline tradition of offering a safe and nurturing environment to help aspiring authors. Her greatest pleasure is to coach her students to the top of the bestseller charts.

What's Your Success Worth?
When a British education company approached Adrienne,
asking for the exclusive right to sell her Romance-writing courses online,
they offered $10,000 for the curriculum that she'd developed!
If you wanted to hear Adrienne speak live in the United States,
during one of the national conventions that clamor for her workshops,
you'd have to spend $1,700 (or more) on your ticket and expenses.
When a prestigious online university approached Adrienne,
inviting her to become one of its Romance-writing instructors,
they wanted to sell her courses for $800.
So what's your success worth?
Adrienne has a proven track-record of helping published authors get better reviews.
She has coached aspiring authors to the top of the bestseller charts.
As a result, publishers have sent contract-hopefuls her way for manuscript advice.
What's it worth to YOU to learn the ropes from a #1 bestselling, award-winning author, who's in such high-demand as a Romance-writing coach?
Self-Paced, Online video course
Great option for Independent Learners
video Course + private coaching
Best option if you want writing feedback

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed for 7 Days
We offer expert, insider knowledge to help Romance writers develop commercial-grade manuscripts. Lesson One sets the standard for this course. If you are not satisfied with the first video recording in your course, kindly notify us within 7 days of registration. We shall cheerfully refund your payment.
Don't miss out! See what students are saying...
Improved Her Writing 100%
(Adrienne) knows what she's talking about. If you listen and put in the work, you'll get there with her advice. I'm still trying to get through my first draft, but when I compare my writing now, to before her, there is a stark difference. Her advice has improved my writing 100%.
Mary Cyphers
Paranormal Romance Writer
5-star Google Review
Literary Agent Interested
This course really helped me fine-tune my characterization. Frankly, I consider it instrumental in attracting my first "nibble" from a literary agent. Thanks to Adrienne's video courses and her private, one-on-one coaching...I am certain that I am on the road to publication this time.
Evelyn Warren
Contemporary Romance Author
Excerpt from a Linkedin Recommendation
Publisher Wants Her Book
A publisher referred me to this website. After taking several courses, I saw a big improvement in my writing. Now that publisher wants to read my full manuscript! We're even talking about a spin-off, starring the hero's sidekick... I would HIGHLY recommend Adrienne's courses, and her coaching is worth every penny!
Heather Derry
Romantic Suspense Author
5-Star Google Review
Frequently Asked Questions
How does this course differ from 50 WAYS?
Do you offer discounts on course packages?
What is the length of this course?
Do you offer private coaching for a WIP?
What is the prerequisite for this course?
What is your refund policy?
Great option for Independent Learners
Best option if you want writing feedback
My Friend,
So many of us want to earn a living, writing Romance novels. Very few of us achieve that dream. I created this course to illuminate why most writers can’t sell books. To put it plainly, a ho-hum hero will kill your sales faster than a boring plot. Your readers want the vicarious thrill of falling in love. If you can't give them that thrill, your career will stall. Sure, you can keep guessing in the dark. You can revise your story over and over again to keep your writing buddies happy. Or you can enroll in this course right now, and learn what you really need to know to write hot-blooded Alphas and heart-stealing Betas.
Remember: Writing Romance is your dream job. I'm here to help.