Writing Romance Novels: Online Course
How to Write Romantic Tension like a Bestseller!
(Sizzling Seductions & Breathless Kisses for Your Love Story)

How do bestsellers turn up the heat in every scene of a Romance novel? Learn the surprising secret!
You're writing Romance with plenty of heat,
but your book still isn't selling.
Want to know why?
So you've been writing Romance novels with plenty of sizzle and spice? (After all, EVERYONE knows that readers like the juicy stuff!)
Then why isn't your steamy story getting rave reviews and zillions of downloads?
The answer to that question is simple. FIXING the problem takes a well-developed Tool Kit of sophisticated skills.
How Amateurs are Writing Romance
Let's consider your brawny, brooding Alpha. You're writing Romance love scenes in which your hero fires up the blood. (At least, YOU think he's hot.)
In reality, you've written your Alpha Bad Boy into a common trap, called the 50/50 stereotype. Even if you DID know how to prevent your hero from turning off readers, you haven't mastered the skills to redeem him.
Let's consider your Beta Charmer. He's supposed to be stealing hearts, not making readers squirm. For some reason that still mystifies you, he reads like a cheesy caricature of the funny Leading Man that you envisioned.
The Truth Hurts
Obviously, you didn't intend to drive readers away. You didn't intend to earn a reputation for writing Romance novels that are less-than-satisfying.
But the painful truth is, publishers refuse to buy your books. Customers are leaving 3-star reviews. Beta Readers haven't been encouraging. (In fact, Beta Readers haven't even been HELPFUL. Otherwise, your books would be success stories by now!)
So what tragic faux pas has occurred, to keep readers from liking (and buying) your Romance novels?
Like I said, the answer to that question is simple: You haven't made your readers fall in love.
Now let's get down to business. How do you fix this Herculean problem?
Isn't the Solution Obvious?
You're probably thinking, "I'll just add more sex." (That's hilarious. Nice try, though!) Sorry to burst your bubble. Graphic depictions of bumping and grinding will NOT earn you more sales and better reviews (at least, not when you write Romance for Harlequin, Avon, Entangled, Kensington, Hallmark, etc.)
Let me pose the question a different way. What makes readers turn the pages as fast as they possibly can?
Why do they stay fixated on a love story, eager to reach the First Kiss? The Consummation Scene? The Happy-Ever-After?
What makes them rush back to the book store, eager to find another love story that features YOUR heroes and heroines?
How Bestsellers are Writing Romance
The secret lies in 9 specific writing tools — and more importantly, how you combine them on every page of your novel.
Ready for some good news?
If you want to build Emotional Tension that makes a reader's heart yearn, and Sexual Tension that makes her pulse pound, then you've found the perfect Romance writing course.
All you have to do is show up, and receive the keys to your success...
50 Ways to Give Your Hero Sex Appeal
Writing Romance Novels that Sizzle!
This Romance-writing course is rated PG. It emphasizes sensual heat, which remains the bestselling "heat level" in the Romance genre. The lessons consist of on-demand videos and self-paced exercises that focus on advanced Romance-writing techniques that are crucial for success.
Special offer! Enroll now and get a 25% discount!
View a sample from the video course
50 Ways to Give Your Hero Sex Appeal:
Writing Romance Novels that Sizzle!
Here’s What Happens When You Sign Up
When you click the "Enroll" button, you will be re-directed to our Course Website, where you will begin the registration process. Upon the successful completion of your Paypal payment, you will receive full and immediate access to the course.
What's in it for me?
Glad you asked. You'll develop advanced skills that slowly, and methodically, turn up the heat. Once you understand how to combine 9 tools in your Writer's Toolkit, you can make your hero smolder and your readers drool.
Awesome! What else can I expect?
You'll receive concrete tips for writing Romance — proven strategies used by bestselling authors — so you can escalate emotional and sexual tension between the hero and heroine of any subgenre.
Sounds good. Anything else?
Sure. Our curriculum goes above and beyond. For instance, lots of courses teach you how to write Romance from the heroine's point-of-view. We'll teach you basic stuff like that, PLUS we'll teach you how (and when) to describe sexual content from the hero's point-of-view without damaging the fragile rapport with your female readers.
Not bad. But I want more...
You got it. How about 7 writing challenges, some fabulous downloads to study, and a beautiful Certificate of Achievement that you'll be proud to display?
Here’s what people are saying about your Instructor
and her Romance-writing courses:
Recommended by Publishers
There's a difference between writing a story, and writing a story for a commercial audience. Very few authors make the transition to commercial viability. Adrienne is a gifted storyteller in her own right, and she has the ability to teach the craft to other authors. This is why we send authors to Adrienne when we see untapped potential.
Brian W. Paules, Publisher
ePublishing Works
Recommended by Bestsellers
Not only has Adrienne written successful Romance novels, she has mastered the skills for helping other writers succeed. Thank you, Adrienne, for helping me become a better author!
E.C. Stilson
#1 Bestselling Women's Fiction Author
Recommended by Educators
Adrienne is a wonderful, inspiring writing coach and teacher... In my fiction-writing, (she) pinpointed weak areas quickly and offered excellent suggestions for improvement, which helped me get my first publication credit in an anthology.
Urania Fung
English Professor
Tarrant County College (Texas)
Recommended by Students
Definitely worth the investment. I would HIGHLY recommend Adrienne's courses, and her coaching is worth every penny!... Now (a) publisher wants to read my full manuscript. We're even talking about a spin-off!
Heather Derry
Romantic Suspense Author
5-Star Google Review
Here's what you'll learn about writing Romance
in the 50 Ways Course:
Lesson 1: What's "hot" and what's not in a hero?
Emotional and sexual tension spring from strong characters. In Lesson 1, you'll learn advanced writing techniques, so you can elevate your hero above the mind-numbing cliché of the muscle-bound hottie:
- You'll dive deep into the 3 primary hero-types: mouth-watering Good Boys; deliciously naughty Bad Boys; and the yummiest heartthrob of all: the Hybrid Hero.
- You'll learn what readers consider the top 10, most desirable traits in a Romance hero (as revealed in a national survey.)
- You'll discover the narrow margin of "badness" that is acceptable in a Romance hero.
- You'll identify the "character taboos" that can kill the sale of your book.
- You'll explore best practices for redeeming a hero, whose halo has slipped.
- Lesson 1 also includes 3 writing challenges. They are designed to help you analyze characterizations that you admire; apply similar techniques to your hero; and restructure any unlikeable male character, turning him into an acceptable love-interest when writing Romance for any subgenre.
- To complete Lesson 1, a 15-question quiz will help you review key concepts.
Lesson 2: Writing Romance to Seduce the Reader
Contrary to popular belief, Romance heroes aren't written to seduce the heroine. They're written to seduce the reader! Here's what's included in Lesson 2:
- You'll discover how to eliminate the 50/50 stereotype when writing Romance.
- You'll learn, step-by-step, how to escalate emotional tension.
- You'll learn how to keep your hero believably "manly" while he's feeling vulnerable.
- You'll learn 50 concrete strategies — with story examples — so you can write heart-warming heroes with sex appeal.
- Lesson 2 also includes 4 writing exercises. Each is designed to help you develop "shades" of emotion, and/or to practice "masking techniques" (to hide a hero's true feelings from other characters.)
- To complete Lesson 2, a 15-question quiz will help you review key concepts.
Lesson 3: Sizzling Seductions & Sensual Love Scenes
If you're writing Romance for the commercial market, you must become a master of sexual tension. In Lesson 3, you'll learn how to:
- Differentiate between the male sexual fantasy, the female sexual fantasy, and gratuitous sex (pornography)
- Craft sensual language that moves readers emotionally
- Build the appropriate heat level for your subgenre
- Develop steamy seductions, breathless kisses, and sexy battles of wit
- Master 8 simple, but highly effective writing strategies to craft heart-pounding love scenes (aka, consummations)
- Make the sparks fly between your hero and heroine on every page when you're writing Romance!
- Lesson 3 includes 3 practice exercises and a 15-question quiz so you can review key concepts.
- Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to download a Certificate of Achievement.
3 Workshops of
High-Stakes Scenes
The best way to learn is to watch a master teacher show you, step-by-step, how to tackle a writing challenge. After successfully coaching new authors to the top of the charts, Adrienne knows exactly how — and where — Romance readers lose interest. Paragraph by paragraph, she workshops three high-stakes scenes, so you can see exactly how bestsellers escalate sexual and emotional tension and prevent the dreaded Sagging-Middle Syndrome.
Worksheets and
Downloads for Writing Romance
To complement your learning experience, you'll receive 2 EQ charts (to help you plot a logical progression of emotion when you write a Romantic scene.) You will also receive a Writer's Toolkit poster, and a Hero Comparison Worksheet to assist you with your writing assignments.
Discounts for WIP Coaching
Now that you've learned how to write an unforgettable hero with sex appeal, it's time to apply your skills! Make sure every scene in your work-in-progress sizzles. Graduates of this course are eligible for discounted coaching services on their WIP from our bestselling, award-winning instructor.
Meet your Instructor,
Adrienne deWolfe
Texas resident, Adrienne deWolfe, has written six #1 bestselling Romance novels for Bantam, Avon, and ePublishing Works. A former newspaper journalist and professional publicist, she has earned more than 40 awards for writing excellence, including such fiction distinctions as the Best Historical Romance of the Year, and the Avon Readers' Choice Award. Her novels have also been finalists for 2 RITAs and 2 Reviewers Choice Awards.
Adrienne was asked by the students of a local college to develop a Romance novel curriculum, one that offered practical advice for writing and selling commercial fiction. Since that time, she has been teaching novel-writing courses to standing-room-only crowds, and she has lead workshops at four national conventions.
Adrienne's online Romance-writing courses continue her offline tradition of offering a safe and nurturing environment to help aspiring authors. Her greatest pleasure is to coach her students to the top of the bestseller charts.

What's Your Success Worth?
When a British education company approached Adrienne,
asking for the exclusive right to sell her Romance-writing courses online,
they offered $10,000 for the curriculum that she'd developed!
If you wanted to hear Adrienne speak live in the United States,
during one of the national conventions that clamor for her workshops,
you'd have to spend $1,700 (or more) on your ticket and expenses.
When a prestigious online university approached Adrienne,
inviting her to become one of its Romance-writing instructors,
they wanted to sell her courses for $800.
So what's your success worth?
Adrienne has a proven track-record of helping published authors get better reviews.
She has coached aspiring authors to the top of the bestseller charts.
As a result, publishers have sent contract-hopefuls her way for manuscript advice.
What's it worth to YOU to learn the ropes from a #1 bestselling, award-winning author, who's in such high-demand as a Romance-writing coach?
Self-Paced, Online video course
Great option for Independent Learners
video Course + private coaching
Best option if you want writing feedback

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed for 7 Days
We offer expert, insider knowledge to help Romance writers develop commercial-grade manuscripts. Lesson One sets the standard for this course. If you are not satisfied with the first video recording in your course, kindly notify us within 7 days of registration. We shall cheerfully refund your payment.
Don't miss out! See what students are saying...
Everyone Loves Her Hero
Readers were giving me terrible feedback about the hero in my Contemporary Romance. I didn't know how to fix the problem until I found the "50 Ways" course! Now everyone loves my hero, and it's all because I've been applying what I learned from Adrienne's course. Highly recommended!
Susan Santos, Contemporary Author
5-Star Google Review
Now a Contest Finalist
My best friend can’t stop talking about these classes. After she took the Hero course, she became a finalist in the first writing contest she ever entered. That was enough to convince me to sign up!
Jeni Carlisle
Contemporary Romance Author
Serious about a Paycheck?
(Adrienne's) course really helped me fine-tune my characterization, and frankly, I consider it instrumental in attracting my first "nibble" from a literary agent... If you're serious about making money as a commercial Romance author, I would highly recommend Adrienne's courses.
Evelyn Warren, Contemporary Author
Excerpt from Linkedin Recommendation
Frequently Asked Questions
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Great option for Independent Learners
Best option if you want writing feedback
My Friend,
If you can’t make your readers fall in love, nothing else will matter.
Your sassy heroine, gorgeous hero, and clever plot are merely instruments in the symphony of heartfelt storytelling that your readers want and expect from you.
With nothing more than the Written Word, you must generate the emotional sparks and sexual fireworks that every Romance reader longs to feel. That task isn't easy. Sure, you can keep tinkering with your manuscript. You can keep trying to please your Beta Readers (whose advice may be STALLING your career.)
Or you can enroll in this course today, and master the most crucial skills in a bestselling author’s Tool Kit.
Remember: Writing Romance is your dream job. I'm here to help.