Business of Writing

Writing Conference, Writing Conferences, Successful Networking, Write Romance Novels writing classes online, plus private coaching from #1 bestselling author, Adrienne deWolfe. Learn to write Romance heroes, heroines, and other characters. Discover the secret plotting formula to write Romance novels step-by-step. Package pricing and discounts available.

Writing Conference: 8 Tips for Successful Networking

Believe it or not, the live writing conference still exists in the world. Successful networking can develop an author’s business allies and grow her readership. In fact, a savvy writer can advance her career by leaps and bounds at a live writing conference — assuming, of course, that she knows how to “work the crowd.” […]

Writing Conference: 8 Tips for Successful Networking Read More »

Writing Romance novel? Learn to write strong female characters worthy of 5-stars! Become a love story author. Join our bestselling graduates! Best online Romance writing course.

Female Characters: Tips for Writing Romance Novels with Strong Heroines

Imagine yourself, trying to describe remarkable female characters without video, sound, color, or imagery. Your only tool is black lettering on a white page. Now try to create a female protagonist that modern-day readers can relate to — even if that character lives in a Viking longhouse, hunts vampires, or captains a spaceship. Congratulations! You’ve

Female Characters: Tips for Writing Romance Novels with Strong Heroines Read More »

How to Start a Romance Novel: writing classes online, plus private coaching from #1 bestselling author, Adrienne deWolfe. Learn to write Romance heroes, heroines, and other characters. Discover the secret plotting formula to write Romance novels step-by-step. Package pricing and discounts available.

How to Start a Romance Novel and Write Chapter 1

Aspiring authors struggle, wondering how to start a Romance novel. In an effort to improve their manuscripts, newbies often seek feedback from other writers. However, listening to the wrong advice can add years to your pre-published journey. In fact, you may already be turning your manuscript into a stale, homogenized tale that will ultimately kill

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Learn how to Write Romance novel characters, online novel writing course, make money writing Romance, how to write alpha heroes, how to write sexy Romance novels

Love Story Authors: Here’s How to Write a Romance Novel Hero that SELLS

As a love story author, you’re probably studying how to write a Romance novel. But have you ever wondered why bestsellers keep churning out the same hero, book after book? Just to be clear: I’m not talking about elevating the sidekick in Book 1, to hero status in Book 2. I’m talking about applying the

Love Story Authors: Here’s How to Write a Romance Novel Hero that SELLS Read More »

Writing a Romance novel? Learn how to write sexy heroes and sizzling seductions for your love stories. Video novel-writing courses online, taught by #1 bestselling, award-winning Romance author, Adrienne deWolfe.

Romantic Tension: How to Write Romance Novels that SIZZLE

Romantic Tension has become the bane of my writer’s life. As I struggle with my WIP, I find myself remembering my mentor. This multi-published Harlequin author gave me the following advice: “You can’t assume you know how to write a novel just because you’ve completed one book. Or 10 books. Or 20 books. The more

Romantic Tension: How to Write Romance Novels that SIZZLE Read More »

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