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Positive Thinking: Writing Technique Linked to Happiness, Harvard Says

A simple writing technique can amplify positive thinking and increase your success.

Would you like to experience more wins every day? Become happier? Increase your confidence?

If you answered, โ€œYES,โ€ then I have the worldโ€™s simplest solution for you โ€” a solution that’s backed by a Scientific Study.

Step 1:

Buy a notebook.

Step 2:

Each night, before you go to bed, record each of your daily accomplishments โ€” no matter how small they might seem.

But is There a Catch?

Write Romance Novels writing classes online, plus private coaching from #1 bestselling author, Adrienne deWolfe. Learn to write Romance heroes, heroines, and other characters. Discover the secret plotting formula to write Romance novels step-by-step. Package pricing and discounts available.
Get Chapter One advice from a #1 bestseller, who has coached Romance writers to the top of the charts, and helped them earn 4-star reviews or higher. (Click image to learn more.)

Most of us are programmed to self-criticize.

We brood about things that didnโ€™t go our way.

Texting and posting on social media, we share our woes with the world.

Sympathetic friends get an earful when we ruin THEIR day, whining about the guy who cut us off on the freeway, the lover who never called, or the co-worker who missed her deadline, forcing us to work an hour late.

The Harvard Business School conducted a study called, โ€œThe Progress Principle.โ€ Researchers concluded that focusing on โ€œsmall winsโ€ activates positive chemistry in your brain that allows for a more rewarding life.

In other words, positive thinking really works! 

For approximately 15 years, Harvardโ€™s Teresa Amabile and study co-author, Steven Kramer, looked at psychological experiences on the job. They surveyed people about their emotions, moods, and motivation levels. Participants were asked to keep diaries and record the events that stood out in their minds.

Positive Thinking Can Create More “Wins”

Amabile and Kramer learned that the daily practice of recording โ€œsmall winsโ€ helps people appreciate their daily progress. This appreciation can boost a personโ€™s confidence, which can lead to bigger achievements and future successes.

Remember the saying, โ€œLifeโ€™s not about the Destination. Itโ€™s about the journey?โ€

Yep. Harvard proved that.

The study reports that Progress shouldnโ€™t be defined solely as the accomplishment of long-term goals and major breakthroughs. While big wins can be exciting, they tend to happen far less often than โ€œsmall winsโ€ โ€” like taking the vacuum to the repair shop (finally!)

For this reason, we should reframe our thinking.  We should define โ€œProgressโ€ to include the positive, small events in our lives. For instance, you could honor your pledge to wean yourself from caffeine. Or you could start writing pesky Chapter 6.

Activate the “Reward Circuitry” in Your Brain

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Amabile and Kramer wrote, โ€œAny accomplishment, no matter how small, activates the reward circuitry of our brains.

“When this pathway is opened, some key chemicals are released that give us a feeling of achievement and pride.

“In particular, the neurotransmitter, dopamine, is released, which energizes us and gives us a feel-good aura.

“This chemical enables us not only to get that sweet feeling of reward, but (it) also motivates us to take action and repeat what we did to trigger its release in the first place.โ€

So what are you waiting for? Grab that notebook! All you have to do is record 1 small win in your journal each night. One win! How hard can that be, when you focus on positive thinking?

Besides, the payoff is HUGE:  Happiness, confidence, success โ€” and another fabulous reason to sit down and write!


Write Romance Novels writing classes online, plus private coaching from #1 bestselling author, Adrienne deWolfe. Learn to write Romance heroes, heroines, and other characters. Discover the secret plotting formula to write Romance novels step-by-step. Package pricing and discounts available.



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Adrienne deWolfe

Award-Winning Bestseller | Romance Writer Coach

Want higher sales and better reviews for your Romance novels? Our #1 bestselling expert, Adrienne deWolfe, mentors aspiring love story authors. Several of her Grateful Graduates have topped the charts. Many are consistently earning 4+ star reviews (which is why publishers have sent authors to Adrienne for help.) Learn how to write a Romance novel that sells! Adrienne offers online novel writing courses and private coaching at WriteRomanceNovels.com.

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